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Disaster Recovery Area Management Studies


We aim to improve the invisible value of the community in the process of disaster recovery!



We will be implementing activities to support the recovery of the Yuriage district of Natori City in Miyagi Prefecture, which was devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake that struck on March 11, 2011.

The key to this research activity is “area management”, which will create invisible value for the region.

In particular, we will be supporting the Yuriage Port Morning Market, and aim to build a “win-win-win” relationship.

In addition, we will implement various initiatives to accelerate international exchange between Natori/Yuriage and Canada.



○宮城県名取市閖上地区の地域住民/商売人:Local residents/business owners in the Yuriage district of Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture

○カナダ関係者/People involved in Canada





○To help restore basic human needs (places to work, places to shop, places to communicate, etc.)

○To revitalize the local community affected by the disaster. In particular, to support good relationships between new residents who have moved to the area after the disaster and residents who lived there before the disaster.

○To implement activities to continue the relationship (bond) with the people of Canada (the Canadian federal government, the British Columbia provincial government, the Alberta provincial government, the Canada Wood Group, etc.) who provided tremendous support for disaster recovery.



研究責任者:永野 聡(立命館大学産業社会学部・准教授)

      住所 〒603-8577 京都市北区等持院北町56-1

      連絡先 電話番号:075‐466‐3137


New Developments in Research on Disaster Recovery Area Management

2024年度より、本研究は自然災害と人為的災害の2つに分けて、取組みを深化します。/From FY2024, this research will be divided into two categories: natural disasters and man-made disasters, and efforts will be deepened.


1ー1、自然災害/ Natural disasters

・カナダ国内で山火事は社会課題→世界的にも山火事は大きな社会課題/Wildfires in Canada (30% loss in Jasper, Alberta) are a social issue→ Wildfires are a major social issue worldwide

・世界的にも地中海性気候に位置するエリア(ロサンゼルス、シドニー等)では共通の社会課題となっている。/The problem is a common social issue in areas with a Mediterranean climate (Los Angeles, Sydney, etc.) worldwide.

1ー2、人為災害/Man-made disasters

・バンクーバー市内のJAPAN TOWNは、アジア人排斥運動と相まった人的な災害であり社会課題/The Japan Town in Vancouver is a human disaster and a social issue that is combined with the anti-Asian movement.

・JAPAN TOWNの復興は、社会学的にも大きなインパクトを与えるだろう。/The reconstruction of JAPAN TOWN will have a great sociological impact.


2ー1、自然災害/Natural disasters

Step1:カナダ国内で大規模に被害が出た箇所を選定(例:ブリティッシュコロンビア州ケロウナ、135㎢消失(2023年)/カナダ全土約1,700万ha=170,000㎢(2023年))/Step 1: Select areas in Canada that have been damaged on a large scale (e.g. Kelowna, British Columbia, 135㎢ disappearance (2023)/approx. 17 million ha across Canada= 170,000 ㎢ (2023))

Step2:日本の技術力を活用し植林を実施/Step 2: Utilize Japan's technological capabilities to carry out afforestation

Step3:植林面積によってカーボンクレジット化を図る。→国際的なカーボンククレジット認証であるVerified Carbon Standard (VCS)、Gold Standardを活用する。/Step3:Carbon credits will be generated by afforestation area. →Use the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and the Gold Standard, which are international carbon credit certifications.

※1クレジット=75カナダドル、森林由来のクレジットは、10,000〜16,000円(94カナダドル〜150カナダドル)/トン ※500ha(5㎢)以上

*1 credit = 75 Canadian dollars, 10,000-16,000 yen (94-150 Canadian dollars)/ton for forest-derived credits *500 ha (5㎢) or more

Step4:企業等がカーボンクレジットを購入する。→資金を創出! /Step 4: Japanese automakers (TOYOTA CANADA) and others purchase carbon credits. →Creation of funds!


(Example: Kelowna, 135㎢ lost (2023) →4,050 Canadian dollars (430,000 yen) / about 17 million ha across Canada= 170,000㎢ (2023)→ 5,100,000 Canadian dollars (540 million yen))

Step5:資金を元に防災計画(災害リスクコミュニケーション、コミュニティーエンゲージメント、防災プランニング、防災教育施設の整備等)を策定/Step 5: Develop a disaster risk management plan (disaster risk communication, community engagement, disaster risk management planning, development of disaster risk management education facilities, etc.) based on the funds

STEP6:カナダでの一連の仕組みをモデル化(CANADA Method)/STEP6: Model a series of mechanisms in Canada (CANADA Method)

2ー2、人為災害(VCKAと連携)/Man-made disasters (in cooperation with VCKA)

Step1:JAPAN TOWNを調査(2025年1月30日(木)〜2月3日(月)で実施)/Step 1: Survey JAPAN TOWN (conducted from Thursday, January 30 to Monday, February 3, 2025)

Step2:再生復興プロジェクトを始動!/Step 2: Start the rehabilitation and reconstruction project!

Step3:カナダでは政府系資金の獲得を目指す。日本でも様々な機関に相談し協賛を得る。/Step 3: In Canada, seek government funding. In Japan, consult with the Japan Foundation ( to obtain sponsorship.

Step4:資金を元にエリアマネジメント計画(コミュニティーエンゲージメント)を策定→JAPAN TOWNでの一連の仕組みをモデル化 /Step 4: Develop an area management plan (Community Engagement) based the funds→ Model a series of mechanisms in JAPAN TOWN


3、実施時期/Timing of implementation

①Step1〜3:オンラインベースでの意見交換/Step 1-3: Exchange of opinions on an online basis


Discussions are expected to begin in November 2024.

②Step4:防災ワークショップ/JAPAN TOWN現地踏査に関して/Step 4: Disaster Prevention Workshop/JAPAN TOWN Field Trip

Scheduled to be implemented in February 2025.

・ワークショップを実施/Description: Workshops led by students of the Nagano Seminar, Faculty of Industrial Sociology, Ritsumeikan University.



・クラウドファンディング(Readyfor)※実施中 (Readyfor)* in progress:

・寄付/募金 Donations / Fundraising

・and more

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